Episode 7: A Quick Stop South to Etna and Yreka, California

In this episode, we’re crossing the border and heading south to visit the towns of Etna and Yreka, California. In Etna, we visit the first (legal) craft distillery in Northern California, followed by a trip to an award-winning brewery with a 150-year history. But on the way, a stop in Yreka takes us to and adorable coffee and book shop that you just have to check out.
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Locations Visited

Denny Bar Company
511 Main St, Etna, CA 96027

The first legal distillery in Northern California, the Denny Bar & Parker Company was founded in 1880 and still operates a restaurant, bar, and distillery with a fine line of craft spirits.

Etna Brewing Co.
131 Callahan St, Etna, CA 96027

The history of Etna Brewery begins with Charles Kappler, who arrived in the United States in 1857 where he began work as a brewer in Yreka, CA. In 1868 he purchased Hartstrand Brewery just three miles east of Etna with his wife Florentine, and then moved the brewery to Etna Mills in 1872. Eventually the Volstead Act killed the brewery in 1919 during prohibition, and it wasn’t until 1990 when Andrew Hurlimann brought it back as Etna Brewing Company. Today the brewery is owned & operated by Dave & Marilyn Krell.

Zephyr Books & Coffee
328 W Miner St, Yreka, CA 96097

An independent book store featuring buy/sell/trade new and used books, with organic locally roasted coffee.

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